As a client of Coffee Creative Studio it is important that we have your commitment and dedication to the implementation of the various branding and website development systems designed to assist us achieve your business goals.
To ensure that we can deliver the desired results, we ask you to please make note of the following standards and commit to assisting us in this exciting journey.
As a Coffee Creative Studio client
- You are prepared to invest in yourself and meet your commitment with Coffee Creative Studio, so that we can continue to provide the service to meet your business goals
- You will be honest, truthful and up front with us at all times
- You are committed to keeping all your appointments with Coffee Creative Studio and will be prepared to give at least 24 hours notice if you are unable to keep an appointment
- You acknowledge that communication is key and will endeavour to return calls and emails within 24 hours. We will also display this courtesy to you
- You will disclose all necessary information to the Coffee Creative Studio team so that we can service you efficiently
- You will be realistic with your expectations of us
- You will be prepared to work to help us achieve your goals and will cooperate with Coffee Creative Studio at all times
- You will commit to giving honest and timeous feedback on your project, within the specified revert allocation, and understand that additional changes will be billable
- You will handover all necessary content (written and imagery) as per the agreed to timelines and acknowledge that any delays in this will impact project completion at no penalty to Coffee Creative Studio
- You acknowledge that financial penalties may be implemented should the project be delayed due to drawn-out content collection and client feedback, or should the scope of the project reach outside of the original quotation
- You understand that turnaround times with third party service providers are outside of our control and that we cannot be help liable for any delays or associated costs
- You acknowledge that while Coffee Creative Studio endeavours to produce the best quality and up to date work, changes in technologies, third party threats or any other advancements/software deprecation that may materialise post project completion are outside of Coffee Creative Studio’s control and responsibility
- You understand and agree that any post project updates, in any form, are billable
- You agree to honour all payment terms and conditions
- You agree to the standard Terms and Conditions applicable to your project
- You acknowledge that Coffee Creative Studio has your best interests at heart and that we will strive, within the scope of our expertise, to help you achieve your goals
- You commit to having fun and enjoying a couple of good coffees with us!